by Haringey Vanguard | Dec 18, 2020 | BLOG
As we approach the end of 2020, it’s a good time to reflect on the tumultuous events that have shaped our individual lives and the world. From Black Lives Matter and the shenanigans surrounding the US elections, to CoVid it’s been a testing year. We share our...
by Haringey Vanguard | Oct 7, 2020 | BLOG
Hello Who knew come October we would still be in a state of partial lockdown? It has been a hard few months, and for many people it’s taken it’s toll. I think it’s important to try to exercise kindness and more patience at this time. One day we will look back and see...
by Haringey Vanguard | May 27, 2020 | BLOG
I hope everyone is bearing up as we enter another month of lockdown. It has been a tough time for many, with mental, financial and spiritual consequences. Please keep safe if you are having to go out as a key worker or have caring duties, do not feel anyway about...
by Haringey Vanguard | Apr 11, 2020 | BLOG
I hope everyone is staying well and safe as we go into week 5 of the lockdown. While the London Metropolitan Archives are closed Haringey Vanguard has been focussing on forward planning for the project, specifically developing our website and thinking of ideas for our...
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